Giải Pháp Công Nghệ Ứng Dụng

Danh sách port network sử dụng trong hệ thống ảo hóa VMware

Trong một số mô hình hệ thống mạng VMware có Firewall đứng ở giữa “chia cắt” các Host ESXi hoặc giữa ESXi với vCenter, VMware Data Recovery, …

Để cho hệ thống VMware của bạn có thể hoạt động đúng thì bạn cần phải biết các port mà các thành phần sử dụng để mở rule trên Firewall.

Sơ đồ sau mô tả một số port thông dụng

dach sach port vmware su dung

dach sach port vmware su dung

dach sach port vmware su dung

Chi tiết hơn với các thành phần khác của VMware bạn có thể download file excel danh sách port tại link bên dưới :

UDPvCenter Converter ServerSource Computer to be convertedFor hot migration. Not required if the source computer does not use NetBIOS
138UDPvCenter Converter ServerSource Computer to be convertedFor hot migration. Not required if the source computer does not use NetBIOS
139TCPvCenter Converter ServerSource Computer to be convertedFor hot migration. Not required if the source computer does not use NetBIOS
443TCPvCenter Converter ServerESX/ESXi HostRequired for system conversion
443TCPvCenter Converter ServervCenter ServerRequired if vCenter Server is the conversion target
443TCPSource Computer to be convertedvCenter ServerRequired if vCenter Server is the conversion target
445TCPvCenter Converter ServerSource Computer to be convertedRequired for system conversion. Not required if the source computer uses NetBIOS
902TCPSource Computer to be convertedESX/ESXi HostRequired for data transport during cloning of system to be converted to target ESX/ESXi Host
443TCPSource Computer to be convertedESX/ESXi HostRequired for destination VM access when target is ESX/ESXi/vCenter
9089TCPvCenter Converter ServerSource Computer to be convertedRequired for system conversion. Remote agent deployment
443TCPvCenter Converter ClientvCenter Converter ServerOnly required if the Converter Client and Converter Server were installed on different systems
22TCPvCenter Converter ServerSource Computer to be convertedRequired for conversion of Linux-based source computers
22TCPHelper Virtual MachineSource Computer to be convertedRequired for conversion of Linux-based source computers (data flows from source to VM)
443TCPvCenter Converter ServerHelper Virtual MachineRequired for conversion of Linux-based source computers
161UDPSNMP ServerESX HostSNMP Polling
161UDPSNMP ServerESXi 4.x HostSNMP Polling. Not used in ESXi 3.x
88TCPESX HostActive Directory ServerPAM Active Directory Authentication – Kerberos
389TCPESX HostLDAP ServerPAM Active Directory Authentication – LDAP
445TCPESX HostMS Directory Services ServerPAM Active Directory Authentication
445UDPESX HostMS Directory Services ServerPAM Active Directory Authentication
464TCPESX HostActive Directory ServerPAM Active Directory Authentication – Kerberos Password Services
137-139TCPESX HostSMB ServerSMB
443TCPClient PCESX HostHost VI Management via web browser
162UDPESX HostSNMP CollectorSNMP Trap Send
80TCPClient PCESX/ESXi HostRedirect Web Browser to HTTPS Service (443)
111TCPESX/ESXi HostNFS ServerNFS Client – RPC Portmapper
111UDPESX/ESXi HostNFS ServerNFS Client – RPC Portmapper
123UDPESX/ESXi HostNTP Time ServerNTP Client
427TCPESX/ESXi HostESX/ESXi HostCIM Service Location Protocol (SLP)
427UDPESX/ESXi HostESX/ESXi HostCIM Service Location Protocol (SLP)
443TCPVI/vSphere ClientESX/ESXi HostVI/vSphere Client to ESX/ESXi Host management connection
902TCP/UDPESX/ESXi HostESX/ESXi HostAuthentication, Provisioning, VM Migration
902TCPVI/vSphere ClientESX/ESXi HostVI/vSphere Client to ESX/ESXi hosted VM connectivity
903TCPVI/vSphere ClientESX/ESXi HostVM Remote VM Console
903TCPVI/vSphere ClientESX/ESXi HostVM Remote VM Console
2049TCPESX/ESXi HostNFS ServerNFS Client
2049UDPESX/ESXi HostNFS ServerNFS Client
3260TCPESX/ESXi HostiSCSI SANSoftware iSCSI Client and Hardware iSCSI HBA
5988TCPESX/ESXi HostESX/ESXi HostCIM Client to CIM Secure Server
5989TCPESX/ESXi HostESX/ESXi HostCIM Client to CIM Secure Server
8000TCPESX/ESXi Host (VM Target)ESX/ESXi Host (VM Source)VCOtion Communication on VMKernel Interface
8000TCPESX/ESXi Host (VM Source)ESX/ESXi Host (VM Target)VCOtion Communication on VMKernel Interface
2050-2250UDPESX/ESXi HostESX/ESXi HostVMware HA
8042-8045TCPESX/ESXi HostESX/ESXi HostVMware HA
514UDPESX/ESXi HostSyslog ServerRemote syslog logging
27000TCPESX/ESXi HostVMware License ServerESX/ESXi 3.x Host to License Server communication
27010TCPESX/ESXi HostVMware License ServerESX/ESXi 3.x Host to License Server communication
8100TCP/UDPESX/ESXi 4 HostESX/ESXi 4.x HostVMware Fault Tolerance. ESX/ESXi 4 only.
8200TCP/UDPESX/ESXi 4 HostESX/ESXi 4.x HostVMware Fault Tolerance. ESX/ESXi 4 only.
443TCPClient PCLab Manager ServerLab Manager Console (Web Browser)
443TCPLab Manager ServervCenter ServerLab Manager to vCenter Server Communication
1433TCPLab Manager ServerMicrosoft SQL ServerLab Manager Connectivity to Microsoft SQL Server (for LM database)
5212TCPLab Manager ServerESX/ESXi HostLab Manager Agent. ESXi requires Lab Manager 4.x
137UDPESX/ESXi HostSMB File ServerSMB File Sharing for Importing/Exporting VMs. ESXi requires Lab Manager 4.x
138UDPESX/ESXi HostSMB File ServerSMB File Sharing for Importing/Exporting VMs. ESXi requires Lab Manager 4.x
139TCPESX/ESXi HostSMB File ServerSMB File Sharing for Importing/Exporting VMs. ESXi requires Lab Manager 4.x
445TCPESX/ESXi HostSMB File ServerSMB File Sharing for Importing/Exporting VMs. ESXi requires Lab Manager 4.x
514TCPLab Manager ServerESX/ESXi HostESX/ESXi Host Virtual Router. ESXi requires Lab Manager 4.x
389TCPLab Manager ServerLDAP ServerLDAP Authentication (optional)
636TCPLab Manager ServerLDAP ServerLDAPS Authentication (optional)
137UDPESX HostSMB File ServerSMB File Sharing for Importing/Exporting VMs
138UDPESX HostSMB File ServerSMB File Sharing for Importing/Exporting VMs
139TCPESX HostSMB File ServerSMB File Sharing for Importing/Exporting VMs
443TCPClient PCStage Manager ServerStage Manager Console (Web Browser)
445TCPESX HostSMB File ServerSMB File Sharing for Importing/Exporting VMs
514TCPStage Manager ServerESX HostESX Host Virtual Router
389TCPStage Manager ServerLDAP ServerLDAP Authentication (optional)
636TCPStage Manager ServerLDAP ServerLDAPS Authentication (optional)
443TCPStage Manager ServerESX HostStage Manager Server communication with ESX Host Agent
443TCPStage Manager ServervCenter ServerStage Manager Server communucation with vCenter Server
5212TCPStage Manager ServerESX HostStage Manager Agent
1433TCPvCenter ServerMicrosoft SQL ServerSRM Connectivity to Microsoft SQL Server (for SRM database)
1521TCPvCenter ServerOracle Database ServerSRM Connectivity to Oracle (for SRM database)
8095TCPSite Recovery ManagerLocal vCenter ServerSRM communucation with local vCenter Server
443TCPSite Recovery ManagerRemote vCenter ServerSRM communucation with remote vCenter Server
443TCPVCB Proxy ServervCenter ServerRequired for VCB and vcbMounter communication and backup processes
443TCPVCB Proxy ServerESX/ESXi HostRequired for VCB and vcbMounter communication and backup processes
25TCPvCenter ServerSMTP ServerEmail notifications
53UDPvCenter ServerDNS ServerDNS lookups
80TCPClient PCvCenter ServerRedirect Web Browser to HTTPS Service (443)
88TCPvCenter ServerActive Directory ServerAD Authentication
88UDPvCenter ServerActive Directory ServerAD Authentication
161UDPSNMP ServervCenter ServerSNMP Polling
162UDPvCenter ServerSNMP ServerSNMP Trap Send
389TCPvCenter ServerLDAP ServerLDAP Authentication
443TCPvCenter ServerESX/ESXi HostvCenter Agent
443TCPClient PCvCenter ServerVI Web Access (Web Browser)
443TCPVI/vSphere ClientvCenter ServerVI\vSphere Client access to vCenter Server
445TCPvCenter ServerActive Directory ServerAD Authentication
445UDPvCenter ServerActive Directory ServerAD Authentication
902UDPvCenter ServerESX/ESXi HostHeartbeat
902UDPESX/ESXi HostvCenter ServerHeartbeat
903TCPClient PCvCenter ServerVI/vSphere Client to VM Console
903TCPvCenter ServerESX/ESXi HostVI/vSphere Client to VM Console (after connection established between VI/vSphere Client and vCenter)
1433TCPvCenter ServerMicrosoft SQL ServerFor vCenter Microsoft SQL Server Database
1521TCPvCenter ServerOracle Database ServerFor vCenter Oracle Database
8005TCPvCenter ServervCenter ServerInternal Communication Port
8006TCPvCenter ServervCenter ServerInternal Communication Port
8083TCPvCenter ServervCenter ServerInternal Service Diagnostics
8085TCPvCenter ServervCenter ServerInternal Service Diagnostics
8086TCPvCenter ServervCenter ServerInternal Communication Port
8087TCPvCenter ServervCenter ServerInternal Service Diagnostics
27000TCPvCenter ServerVMware License ServerLicensing via FlexLM. Only required by vCenter 4 if ESX/ESXi 3.x Hosts will be supported
27000TCPVMware License ServervCenter ServerLicensing via FlexLM. Only required by vCenter 4 if ESX/ESXi 3.x Hosts will be supported
27010TCPvCenter ServerVMware License ServerLicensing via FlexLM. Only required by vCenter 4 if ESX/ESXi 3.x Hosts will be supported
27010TCPVMware License ServervCenter ServerLicensing via FlexLM. Only required by vCenter 4 if ESX/ESXi 3.x Hosts will be supported
636TCPvCenter ServerLinked vCenter ServersLinked mode connectivity between vCenter Servers
8080TCPClient PCvCenter 4 ServerVMware vCenter 4 Management Web Services – HTTP
8443TCPClient PCvCenter 4 ServerVMware vCenter 4 Management Web Services – HTTPS
80TCPClient PCView/VDM Connection ServerVDM Web Access (not required if only HTTPS is to be supported)
80TCPView/VDM ClientView/VDM Connection ServerVDM Access (not required if only HTTPS is to be supported)
80TCPClient PCView/VDM Security ServerVDM Web Access (not required if only HTTPS is to be supported)
80TCPView/VDM ClientView/VDM Security ServerVDM Access (not required if only HTTPS is to be supported)
88TCPView/VDM Connection ServerActive Directory ServerAD Authentication
88UDPView/VDM Connection ServerActive Directory ServerAD Authentication
389TCPView/VDM Connection ServerLDAP ServerLDAP Authentication
443TCPClient PCView/VDM Connection ServerVDM Web Access and VDM Administration
443TCPThin ClientView/VDM Connection ServerVDM API
443TCPView/VDM ClientView/VDM Connection ServerVDM Access
443TCPClient PCView/VDM Security ServerVDM Web Access (Web Browser)
443TCPView/VDM ClientView/VDM Security ServerVDM Access
443TCPView/VDM Connection ServervCenter ServerVDM to vCenter communication
445TCPView/VDM Connection ServerActive Directory ServerAD Authentication
445UDPView/VDM Connection ServerActive Directory ServerAD Authentication
3389TCPClient PC/Thin Client/View/VDM ClientVirtual Desktop VM (View/VDM Agent)Direct RDP Connection
3389TCPView/VDM Security ServerVirtual Desktop VM (View/VDM Agent)Tunneled RDP Connection
4001TCPView/VDM Security ServerView/VDM Connection ServerJMS
4001TCPView/VDM Connection ServerView/VDM Security ServerJMS
4001TCPVirtual Desktop VM (View/VDM Agent)View/VDM Connection Server 
8009TCPView/VDM Security ServerView/VDM Connection ServerAJP
8009TCPView/VDM Connection ServerView/VDM Security ServerAJP
1024 – 65535TCPView/VDM Connection ServerView/VDM Connection ServerThis is required for ADAM replication (Active Directory “lite” replication) between VDM Connection Servers. With a Registry entry this can be fixed to a defined set of ports, but by default its a random TCP high port
32111TCPView ClientView Agent (Virtual Desktop)USB Device Communication
32111TCPView Agent (Virtual Desktop)View ClientUSB Device Communication
25TCPVCO ServerSMTP ServerEmail notifications
389TCPVCO ServerLDAP ServerLDAP Authentication
443TCPVCO ServervCenter ServerUsed to obtain virtual infrastructure and virtual machine information from orcestrated vCenter Server(s) through the vCenter API
636TCPVCO ServerLDAP ServerVCO uses LDAP authentication and group membership to determine role authorization in LCM and access to VMs/requests. This is the SSL secured LDAP protocol ldaps (the SSL pendent of 389). This is used for secured LDAP authentication
3306TCPVCO ServerMySQL ServervCenter Orchestrator Server to MySQL Server for VCO Database
1433TCPVCO ServerMicrosoft SQL ServervCenter Orchestrator Server to Microsoft SQL Server for VCO Database
1521TCPVCO ServerOracle Database ServervCenter Orchestrator Server to Oracle for VCO Database
5432TCPVCO ServerPostgresSQL ServervCenter Orchestrator Server to PortgresSQL Server for VCO Database
8230TCPVCO ClientVCO ServerLookup port – The main port to communicate with Orchestrator Configurator server (JNDI port). All other ports communicate with the Orchestrator Configurator smart client through this one. It is part of the Jboss Application server infrastructure
8240TCPVCO ClientVCO ServerCommand port – The application communication port (RMI container port), it is used for remote invocations. It is part of the JBoss Application server infrastructure.
8250TCPVCO ClientVCO ServerMessaging port – The Java messaging port used to dispatch events. It is part of the JBoss Application server infrastructure
8280TCPVCO ServerVCO ServerPort used by VCO Server to connect to the Web front-end via HTTP
8281TCPVCO ServerVCO ServerPort used by VCO Server to connect to the Web front-end via HTTPS
8281TCPvCenter ServerVCO ServerPort used by VCO Server to connect to vCenter Server to communicate with the vCenter API
8282TCPVCO Client PCVCO ServerHTTP server port – The port for the HTTP connector used to connect to the Web frontend.
8283TCPVCO Client PCVCO ServerHTTPS server port – The port for the SSL HTTP connector used to connect to the Web frontend. Requires Jetty to be configured for SSL.
80TCPUpdate Manager and xml.shavlik.comTo obtain metadata for the updates, Update Manager must be able to connect to and
80TCPESX/ESXi HostUpdate Manager HostESX/ESXi Host to Update Manager Server . The reverse proxy forwards the required to port 9084
443TCPUpdate Manager and xml.shavlik.comTo obtain metadata for the updates, Update Manager must be able to connect to and
443TCPESX/ESXi HostUpdate Manager ServerESX/ESXi Host to Update Manager Server . The reverse proxy forwards the required to port 9084
443TCPvCenter ServerUpdate Manager ServervCenter Server to Update Manager Server. The reverse proxy forwards the request to port 8084
443TCPUpdate Manager ServervCenter ServerUpdate Manager to vCenter Server communication
902TCPUpdate Manager ServerESX/ESXi HostTo push patches and updates from Update Manager to the ESX/ESXi Hosts to be updated
1433TCPUpdate Manager ServerMicrosoft SQL ServerUpdate Manager to Microsoft SQL Server connectivity (for UM Database)
1521TCPUpdate Manager ServerOracle Database ServerUpdate Manager to Oracle connectivity (for UM Database)
8084TCPUpdate Manager ServerUpdate Manager ServerSOAP between components of Update Manager Server
9084TCPUpdate Manager ServerUpdate Manager ServerUpdate Manager Web Server. Accessed through reverse proxy from port 80 and/or 443
9000-9010TCPUpdate Manager ServerESX/ESXi HostThis is the recommend port range from which to choose ports for Update Manager if ports 80 and 443 are already in use. Update Manager automatically opens these ports for ESX Host scanning and remediation
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